

Luke 10:41: “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing matters.”

We can all associate with Martha. She loved the Lord and wanted to serve Him. She was busy with what she deemed important and right.

In Martha’s case, she was serving the Lord, but not fellowshipping with Him. A reminder that even our work for the Lord can stand in the way of our ministry to the Lord.

We too fill our days with activities we deem important and necessary. For most of us, it is hard to sit still or to leave things undone because of our innate sense of responsibility.

Yet, Jesus tells her that ONLY ONE thing matters… only one! This often baffles us. I know it does me.

“But how is this possible with children, husband, home, chores, work, and more?”, I’m sure you are asking.

For us as modern-day women, I believe Martha is a reminder that we should keep the ONE THING as our priority above all other things. It is easy to allow our “bussi-ness” to override us spending time at Jesus’ feet and in His word.

Martha reminds us that things should be secondary – always! Today is a day to recommit to putting the ONE THING as our FIRST PRIORITY!

Prayer: Dear Lord, forgive me for putting other things ahead of the most and only important thing. Please help me order my days so my life will be a pleasure to You! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Written by Tanya for Women of the Word

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