Day 11 – No desire to understand others point of view
A [closed-minded] fool does not delight in understanding, but only in revealing his personal opinions [unwittingly displaying his self-indulgence and his stupidity]. Proverbs 18:2
That powerful feeling of being better or more advanced than others, is a slippery slope, it closes our minds to the fact that God speaks through and how He wants and if we are sensitive to people instead of Him, we might miss so much of the revelation He wants to give us. Our attitude is to be one with which we take all and test it against the Word and ask for wisdom to know what to keep and what to discard, that that which we keep must make an impact first on us as it changes us into a more accurate image of our God and then influence others to come to the same knowledge. Add to that the fact that God’s thoughts are so much higher than our own and that we now only know in part, should be a motivation like never before to be open to new knowledge and mindsets, like never before.
Prayer: Wonderful Counsellor, we can so easily feel humiliated and believe the lie that we are wrong, when we are confronted with thoughts different from our own, but will You not please come and touch our minds to be humble and receptive and accepting of the fact that we will never know everything on this side of eternity and that we can without embarrassment change our minds as often as we receive new knowledge from You. Give us a teachable heart, Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.
Written by Anna-Mart Nel for
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