Day 13 – Tenth

“A tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, is the Lord’s, and is holy.” Leviticus 27:30
Giving your tenth (or tithing) is a principle found as early as Abraham and later part of the Levitical law. It’s important to understand that tithing was central to God’s law to look after His appointed priests. Because priests did not have other jobs or owned land in those days, their sustainability came from the nation. The Israelites didn’t wait to feel inspired to tithe, it was expected of God’s people.
“But that is the Levitical law, which was good for the Israelites, but what about today? Do I have to tithe?” is a fair question and no shame in asking. The requirement to tithe was established before the Mosaic covenant in Genesis 14 and 18 with Abraham and Melchizedek, meaning the tithe was not abolished in Christ and is still valid today. Jesus affirmed the continuation of the tithe in Matthew 23:23, and if He upheld it, so should we as His followers.
So, what is a tenth then? Exactly what the Word says: a tenth of what is produced through your labour. Today we sum it up as 10% of our income, which should be seen as a baseline of giving – not a limit. When you make the mind-shift that this 10% belongs to the Lord (and is holy) it becomes easier to tithe honouring Him with the provision He gave in the first place. The tithe you give is to sustain the priests (pastors, ministers, missionaries today) and God will use this wisely to ensure the needs are met.
Prayer: Father, we do not always understand Your math and when looking at your salary vs living expenses, we find it all the more difficult to give according to the tithing principle. I ask, Lord, that You change our hearts and minds and teach us to understand the importance of this principle. Amen.

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