Day 6 – Lord, teach us how to pray – Step 1
Matthew 6:9 “Pray therefore like this: Our Father, Who is in heaven, hallowed (kept holy) be Your name.”
Jesus gave us a model prayer to teach us certain principles of prayer. What did He say about prayer? He prayed to His Father, so we ought to pray to our heavenly Father, too. We approach the Father through the Son, Who became the Way to the Father. The Holy Spirit aids us in our prayer. The Father’s presence is available to us through the presence of His Spirit who dwells in us.
Then Jesus prays on, “Hallowed be Your name.” He started His prayer with an attitude of adoration and worship. I believe this is to teach us to firstly focus on God Himself, His nature, His goodness, His love before we pursue the requests. I find that when I spend a few moments thinking about God and Who He is, my problem already starts shrinking by comparison.
Dear friend, let us remember to give our Father praise and adoration when we begin to speak to Him.
Prayer: Holy Father, You are righteous and true, just as You are merciful and good towards me. Before I present my needs to You, I want to honour You for Your goodness in my life. You are loving and faithful and You never change. Thank you for Who You are! Amen.
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