Day 22 – Not lazy
“She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness” Proverbs 31:27
When I read the first part of the verse that says “She looks well”. Does it mean that we must look like a picture in a magazine? Does it mean more? The Hebrew word for “look well” is “tsaphah” which means “to look about, keep watch and watch or keep guard over something or someone.”
A queen herself, King Lemuel’s mother, wanted a woman that will keep guard over her son and kingdom, and also someone who will add value to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Why would she want a queen to keep guard or watch over her family, servants, people, and situations? A Godly woman watches over her household and family to warn them about the danger that can catch them off-guard. The wife she wanted is someone that knows the Lord and is skilled in the art of spiritual warfare. She is not only a wife and mother but a protector who guards, ensuring that the spiritual condition of her household (kingdom) is in line with God’s will.
The second half of the verse caught me off-guard because how do I not eat bread of idleness? The word idleness means “undisciplined slackness”. Idleness can be interpreted in many ways and Jesus Himself warned us about idle words Matthew 12:36 “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak”. We are so fast to give our opinions or to judge someone but idle words will be judged. Not to be idle in this sense means you must see others through the eyes of Jesus, with the love He has for a person. It is said that first impressions last but let the first impression of who you meet be one of “Jesus loves you as you are”.
I can remember my Grandma always quoted Proverbs 6:6 “Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways and be wise”. This angered me greatly, but today I quote the same verse to my own children. My Grandma will be so proud of me!
The King’s mother wanted a woman that is not lazy to pray because when we are weak, prayer makes us strong. She wanted a pillar for her son, a wife, and a mother that is not lazy to stand up early in the morning to pray and do her duties diligently.
Prayer: Our Father in heaven, help me not to be lazy in any way or form. Help me to do my duty to pray for myself, my family, and my friends, even for my enemies. Let me not eat from the bread of idleness but of Your mercy and love for me. Make me humble in any way so Your light can shine through me. Amen.
Written by Marie Swanepoel
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