Day 19 – You fight for me

“Oh, that You would slay the wicked, O God! Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men.” Psalm 139:19 NKJV
The poet, David, abruptly shifts from a spirit of wonder, adoration, and admiration to an intense prayer against the wicked and bloodthirsty men. Not because these men opposed him necessarily, but because they opposed God and David’s soul longed for the righteousness and justice only God could give. His adoration filled him with zeal for God’s honor.
Repeatedly in scripture, we are told that God fights for us, but sometimes (okay, maybe more than sometimes) we want to take the battle into our own hands forgetting that our humble submission to our King is all that is needed. We tire ourselves fighting battles that weren’t ours to start with. The saying, “Choose your battles wisely” should be taken to heart and before any battle, it is important to enter into prayer before God our Father and ask whether we should take on the battle or stay in the shadow of the Most High and have peace that He is fighting for us.
Our prayers against the enemies of God should be filled with the same zeal as David’s captured in this Psalm. Whether we are praying against enemies in the physical wars of our world or the enemy in the spiritual war of our souls, we should always long for the righteousness and justice of God. Because our Lord is the only Judge of this world and our souls.
Let’s pray: Father, more than often You remind me that You are fighting for me, and I should trust and rest in You. Teach me to pray zealous prayers for Your righteousness and that my prayers are powerful weapons in warfare. Thank You, Lord, for this beautiful example David gave us to always remember that You are the Judge and Warfighter on our behalf. Amen.

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