Day 2 – Genesis: Theme

“Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” Genesis 1:28 NLT

Everything has a beginning, and the Book of Genesis (B’resheet in Jewish translation) explains the beginning of many important realities: the universe, the earth, people, sin, and God’s plan of salvation. It shows us that the earth and everything created is good; people hold a special position as the image bearers of God; and God’s response to sin both by judgement and His glorious mercy.

Like the two trees (the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life) in the centre of the Garden of Eden, people are always facing choices. People have been choosing the wrong tree since the disobedience of Adam and Eve. I know full well that disobedience leads to sin and the shame of thinking I’ve let God down. But, as we will learn, great Bible heroes failed and disobeyed God too.  God uses sinful people through His scripture, sketching the turn of disobedience to obedience, sin to salvation, and death to life.

Genesis also sketches the history of the beginning of God’s chosen nation, Israel. A dedicated nation that would keep His ways, proclaim His character and prepare the world for the true Light of the World. People fail, God doesn’t. His plan encompasses all from the very first words, “Let there be light…”

Prayer: Father, thank You for affirming that everything has a beginning – even my life and purpose. Thank You that I am created in Your image. Teach me more and more to be obedient to Your Word and not follow my own wayward choices lusting after what the wrong choice will bring. Show me my disobedience and sin and lead me to repentance. Amen.