Day 2 – What is a fan and what is a follower?

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (KJV)

There are a few differences between a fan and a follower. A fan loves the idea of Jesus, and a follower loves the actual Jesus, as Friend and Saviour. This means that a fan loves the idea that Jesus came to earth and He died to forgive their sins and that He is good and always there when we need Him.

 A follower realizes, that loving Jesus means submitting to His will. It means having a renewed mind and changing for the better. Being a follower means becoming more and more like Him, every day changing your behavior and thoughts to be more and more like Him.

A fan admires Jesus and will say how amazing He is and how awesome it is that He died on the cross for us. A follower feels the pain and the suffering of the wounds Jesus suffered on the cross and they have deep gratefulness for this deed.

 A fan will continue to live life his own way, in awe of Jesus, but a follower is all in walking the road to becoming more and more like Jesus every day – not just in awe of Him and what He did for us – but realizes that He renews us to be a new person from the inside out. Sacrificing all our thoughts, feelings, and emotions to His will and for HIs glory.

Which of the two do you choose to be, a fan or a follower? 

Prayer: Father, thank you for what you did for us by dying on the cross. I want to be your follower, not just a fan of what you did, but a true follower and I want to be changed by You. Please help me to hear your voice and daily be renewed by Your spirit to become more and more like You. Amen.

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