Day 21 – Arrogance

“Everyone who is proud and arrogant in heart is disgusting and exceedingly offensive to the Lord; Be assured he will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 16:5

I need no one, I will not submit to anyone, I will be my own man (or woman)! These words speak of someone who has no insight, because we were created to be dependent on God and God uses people in the fulfilment of His promises and bringing distance between ourselves and our fellow travellers in this world, causes us to miss out on so much of what God is offering us. Arrogance and pride make us believe that we are self-sufficient in all things and bring about tension, stress and worry, because we cannot control everything, ever. Being humble is not the same as humiliation, being humble is not degrading but a mere acknowledgement of the fact that we were created, and are grateful to be dependent on the Creator of the Universe.

Prayer: How glorious to have a Father Who cares deeply and is willing to share, provide and withhold no good thing from us, but then we must be willing to accept it. Lord, may we be freed from this sense of self-reliance which causes us to miss the sheer relief and joy that comes from not having to be responsible for everything and everyone! May You find us becoming ever more reliant on You, drawing from Your strength and wisdom and living lives of light and laughter, because the burden has been lifted. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Written by Anna-Mart Nel for