Day 22 – Your perfect love

“I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies.” Psalm 139:22 NKJV

In yesterday’s devotional we delved a little deeper in directing hatred. As David continues this thought, he mentions something very specific for our attention: PERFECT HATRED. The complete opposite of PERFECT LOVE the cross of Jesus represents.

Speaking of those who despised God and took His name in vain, David understood that “perfection” is a quality and attributed deserving only to God because in Him there is only perfection. He knew also that he, himself, was vulnerable to sin like anyone else and he had firsthand experience of the consequences of his own sins of lust and murder. Did God excuse David’s sin because He was God’s own chosen King of His beloved nation? No. He sent the prophet Nathan to point the sin out to David and allow Him to repent and return to the perfect love of His Father. No wonder God referred to David as a man after His own heart.

Beloved, when someone points out your sin, you are in the company of a king who understood what perfect hatred is. Don’t get offended or try to justify it but bring it to God and repent and experience His perfect love for You through the sacrifice of His Only Beloved Son, Jesus.

 Let’s pray: Father, thank You for teaching the true meaning of hate and that even in with perfect hatred of sin, there is perfect love through Jesus. Please show me the sins I need to repent that I may testify of Your perfect love for me just as You loved David. Amen.