Day 4 – Nothing but the Blood
“And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” Matthew 26:26-28 NKJV
The last supper was taking place. Jesus was teaching his disciples the new meaning of the Passover, the Holy Communion. Jesus was explaining the deeper symbolic meaning of this new covenant. The disciples did not yet understand, but soon they would.
Praise the Lord that by the wounds and afflictions on His body, we are healed today in Jesus’ Name. By the blood that was shed on that cross, that same blood that makes us clean as snow. It’s the blood of Jesus that redeems us. That revives us, that says we are forgiven and not forsaken.
When God looks at us, He sees the blood of His precious Son Jesus Christ upon us and He says to us come to me all you that are weary and sick. Come to me, to my throne room, and find peace, comfort, and healing. Come to my presence.
Prayer: Father God thank you that we can come freely to you by the blood of your precious Son Jesus Christ. The blood that heals and redeems. Thank you for the new covenant that You had made for us. In Jesus’ Name Amen.
Written by Pastor Sandra Santos for
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