Exodus 2:24 “And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.” (Please study Exodus 2:11-25)

• Verses 11-22: The rise of Moses (A posture of receptivity on the part of God’s people: Israel’s suffering and longing for God.)

• Verse 23: The pain of Israel (The presence of a leader to lead through the process of transformation: Moses.)

• Verses 24-25: The faithfulness of God (Divine, life-transforming truth: God’s covenant faithfulness.)

In these verses, we do not see the full convergence of these three into “the transformational sweet spot,” but we do see these three elements beginning to come together. The people are suffering and yearning for divine help. Moses begins to break free from his life as an Egyptian and move toward his calling to be a leader. And God, as always, is mindful of His covenant promises with Israel.

The Lord hears the cries of His people and is faithful to act. The book of Exodus is simply a

chronicle of that fact. Let me end now by applying this truth to us all for our encouragement:

God hears you.

God knows you.

God loves you.

God remembers you.

God will not abandon you.

Cry to the Lord and know that He hears.

He heard Israel.

He hears you.

He is faithful to deliver.

PRAYER: Lord we thank you for Your Love, Your care, and Your sufficient grace. Thank You for hearing our cries in our time of need. Amen.

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