Day 5 – Vines in the New Testament
(Vitius Vinifera)
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
When studying the vine in the New Testament, the condition passes from the people of Israel to Jesus Christ when He said, “I am the vine”. He came to do what no man could do: the place of Israel as the people of God is now taken by Jesus, the Only Son of God.
It is no longer because of the Jewish blood that the people of Israel connect or relate to God. The old community ceases to exist to establish a new one: a relationship of Jesus with us connecting us to the Vine of God.
Just like Noah planted the vineyard after God made a new covenant with him, Jesus introduced Himself as the vine after He introduced a new covenant through communion. And, when we stay connected to the vine, our lives are filled with God’s abundant fruit like Joshua and Caleb carried from the promised land.
Prayer: Father, thank You for Jesus taking my place for the death of my sin. Jesus, thank You for the new covenant and for being the vine we are connected to because of Your sacrifice to have a relationship with us. Teach us to be healthy branches producing good and abundant fruit. Amen.
Love, Pastor Iriza
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