
Elder sister to Rachel and the first wife of Jacob who was tricked by Laban (her father) to marry her. My heart used to break for Leah as the Bible describes her as not desirable. I have heard many people describe her as “ugly” – but the Truth is God does not make anything ugly. He does not call us unwanted, not desirable, or rejected – even if the world thinks this of us. We are all His beloved children and were created for a specific purpose. While we may compare ourselves to others – God does not.

At first glance, Leah’s story looks like one of heartache and grief. But as her character develops in the story, we learn a lot more. Genesis 29:13 describes her as having weak, delicate, ordinary, plain, or tender eyes. (Depending on your translation.) I would like to focus on the latter. The Hebrew word describing Leah’s eyes is Rakkoth, meaning “being tenderhearted”. Though the world thought of her as not desirable, God knew her heart. Wife to Jacob and mother to seven children… I can imagine her having a tender heart raising this bunch to become the patriarchs of the Israel nation.

Her marriage might have begun with a scandal, but her position in her family gave her honor and respect in the community. The Bible does not give us many details about Leah. We first learn that she was unloved and unfavored with a tender heart versus an attractive body. Throughout her life, the emptiness of her marriage was filled with the love of her Lord who sees her, hears her, and remembers the ache of her heart. God ensures Leah a life of honor because He is her Lord. In Leah’s story, we can be encouraged that a life redeemed can not occur with the perfect spouse or an abundance of children, but with a heart that is tender and surrendered to God.

Sweet sister, God sees your heart and knows your wounds. Pursuing Him keeps your heart tender as you face trials and endure grief. While others may have everything together on the outside, focus on the condition of your heart. The world can throw us off course, keeping us coveting more instead of being content with what we have. Focus on the giver of your blessings instead of what is given. You will find abundance in your relationship with the Lord.

Written by Michelle Horn for Women of the Word

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