
A beautiful woman that captivated Jacob’s heart. They have a beautiful love story but within was many challenges. “Rachel was lovely in form and beautiful. Jacob was in love with Rachel” Genesis 29:17-18

Rachel was a working woman, she was a shepherdess. But being the second born and her father being a master at tricking people, it did not help things to be easy for her.  She had to endure her father tricking the love of her life, Jacob, and watch her sister take the place that was meant for her. She had to endure the knowledge that her sister was enjoying the life she had dreamed of, with the man she loved. 

Poor Jacob was just as devastated but he loved Rachel so much, he labored another 7 years for Rachel. Finally, they got married. Finally, she could be with the man of her dreams, and finally, her life was perfect. Or so she thought… Unfortunately, she found out she was barren. The humiliation was just too much. 

Her sister Leah taunted her because she knew Jacob loved Rachel and favored Rachel. Leah made Rachel’s life miserable because she was jealous of Rachel. Eventually, the Lord opened up Rachel’s womb and she bore two sons. 

In life, we are faced with unfair situations, we are faced with hurts, and pain that many times are inflicted upon us by others or even others’ circumstances that affect our lives. Yes, it is unfair but what do we learn from Rachel? She continued loving her husband and continued being faithful even in her despair and hurt. She did not give up. 

It’s not easy to remain strong and steadfast. It’s not always easy to have our chin up and smile all the time. It’s not easy being strong for others. But God is a just and righteous God. He does not sleep. He is our strength when we can’t walk anymore. He is our smile and joy when all we want to do is cry. 

Don’t ever for one minute think your situation is hopeless, that your dreams are over and shattered. God is a God of restoration. Things will work out and fall into place. God will restore 7 fold what has been stolen from you. 

Rachel did not give up, and so you can’t too!