Preparing the soil – Day2
The importance of soil
“Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.” Genesis 2:7 NLT
While scratching around the dirt to remove rocks and weeds, I suddenly realised: the same soil God divided from the waters to create our earth is the soil we still walk on today and the dust we were created from!
There was one, most important ingredient needed to create us… the breath of God. Without His breath, we would not have life. Seeds also need air in the bed of soil to germinate. We still need God’s breath in every aspect of our lives, breathed through the soil of our hearts to become a living person in the Spirit with Him. With every breath today, remind yourself that the soil of your heart needs God’s breath.
Prayer: Father, thank You for teaching us that the soil of our hearts needs Your breath for live. Let my breath today be a constant reminder of Your Love and reason for creating me. Amen.
Written by Pastor Iriza for ©
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