Day 1 – What is a curse and why are we suffering under it?
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” Genesis 12:3 (KJV)
Have you ever felt like you are fighting against a wall? Every time you come close to your goal, something happens and you fail. Or somehow, no matter how much you pray, fast, and read your Bible, things just never go right for you. Sometimes there is one part of your life you can just never get ahead in, no matter how hard you work or try. It can be anything: health, finances, employment, love, relationships, education whatever the case may be. Have you ever felt like the attacks of the enemy are focused on one area of your life more than the other areas? Have you ever wondered why?
The Lord started speaking to me about curses a long time ago and I wondered how many other Christians also struggle with the same issues I was struggling with, and they may also not be aware of the curses on us and our families, just like I was not aware. Jesus can free us from curses, but the enemy is so sneaky, that he keeps us under the curse until we realize it is a curse and we can repent for the sins leading to the curse.
I am not saying that all attacks are curses, but because curses are not really a discussed topic in most churches, they should be discussed and exposed on other platforms. Curses are also not always to blame, we should take responsibility for our actions. We are going to look at different curses, where they come from, and how we can be set free from them. I pray the Lord will be with you through this devotional, and open your spiritual eyes to see the curses on you and your family so that He can free you from them.
Prayer: Dear Father, please be with me through this journey where I am going to read about curses. Please give me a teachable spirit and give me the discernment I need to see the curses in my life so that we can deal with them together. Amen.
I would like to credit Derek Prince for the information in his book “Blessing and Curses We would love to pray with you at
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