Repaired Relationship

“Then Boaz told him ‘Of course, your purchase of the land from Naomi also requires that you marry Ruth, the Moabite widow. That way she can have children who will carry on her husband’s name and keep the land in the family’. ‘Then I can’t redeem it,’ the family redeemer replied, ‘because this might endanger my own estate. You redeem the land, I cannot do it.’ Ruth 3:6-7

We need to consider Ruth’s reward for God’s economy. We’ve seen Ruth made a choice for her goal and that she exercised her right to enjoy the rich land according to the law – from which she received rewards for God’s economy.

This economy is not a common plan or merely a small arrangement. It the universe the divine and eternal economy are second only to God Himself. According to His economy, God created the heavens, earth, and man. But God’s enemy came in to attempt to break the relationship that joins man to God and God to man. In Genesis 3 satan severed this line, but the promised seed of the woman, Jesus Christ, came to restore the relationship and redeem man back to God.

In today’s scripture, I would like to draw your attention to the first family redeemer. He was more than willing to redeem the land whilst probably thinking to expand his riches. Isn’t this exactly what we do too? We see this opportunity, and without discussing it with God, we grab onto it without knowing what the consequences will be, or what comes with the land. And most cases than not, we sit with a lot of weeds and situations we don’t know what to sort out and then we are upset with God because it didn’t work out as we thought.

You see, the enemy will make you think that this is your redemption opportunity to get out of a situation or to enrich your life. The truth is that Jesus Christ is our only Redeemer repairing the relationship with God. He was willing to redeem the land and you…

Ruth Relationship Advice: Because you are redeemed, allow Jesus to repair your relationship with God the Father.

Prayer: Father, so often I don’t discuss my planned actions with you and jump at opportunities that are presented by the enemy. I ask for wisdom to discern these opportunities from the ones You give. Amen.

Written by Pastor Iriza for

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