Day 9 – Blame shifter

“He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but whoever confesses and turns away from his sins will find compassion and mercy.” Proverbs 28:13

This is truly one of the most difficult but most powerful mind-shifts we can make in our time here on this earth, and that is that mistakes will be made because we are still imperfect and however much we want to be as holy as we are called to be, we still have not attained it and that this does not matter, because God knew beforehand and that is why He sent His Son to atone for us. Being afraid of being found out is a sure sign that we have not come to the acceptance of the totality of God’s forgiveness and we are still held captive by what others think of us. Once we can look at ourselves with acknowledgement and even laugh at ourselves even as we take responsibility for our wrongdoing, we will experience a freedom of guilt and condemnation and live a life of abundant peace and joy, because we are forgiven! Taking responsibility and being accountable has changed from a threat to a divine weapon!

Prayer: Precious Saviour, You Who was without sin became sin for us, You took blame that did not belong to You and You went through the ridicule and shame of it all, even though You were innocent. How will we then, being guilty, not make use of this great sacrifice and instead of trying to protect our image to the world, rather admit, repent and change to Your glory? We will not be afraid to look into the mirror of Your holiness, because it is not a threat anymore, but a barometer of how far we have come and a reminder of where we are heading to. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Written by Anna-Mart Nel for