Breath – Day 7

An army breathed to life

“So I spoke the message as he commanded me, and breath came into their bodies. They all came to life and stood up on their feet – a great army” Ezekiel 37:10 NLT

According to Biblical historians, Babylonia laid waste to the nation of Israel between 586-538BC. Deprived, divided, and dispersed for so long that any promise of unification and restoration seemed impossible.

Ezekiel’s vision follows the prophecy of Israel’s resurgence in chapter 36 where God promises the restoration of His beloved nation to the land of blessing once belonging to them. Truthfully, if I were an Israelite at that time, I am not so certain I would have taken the prophecy to heart. Israel suffered a tremendous loss. Not only were they back into the bondage of slavery, but they were carried away from their promised land like pieces of treasure. Families were broken up and divided across the Babylonian empire. Israel was “dead” as a nation. Her people scattered like unburied skeletons.

From first-hand experience, I know being stuck in a situation is the only thing we see. We pray, ask, and plead with our Father to give us an outcome. To part the sea for us so we can escape whatever is keeping us captured. We become so “stuck” that we miss the promise or just do not believe it. I think this is where most Israelites were when Ezekiel prophesied these promises from God.

To crown the prophecy Ezekiel saw this vision of the dry bones. Emphasizing the breath of God giving new life to His people. His breath came into their bodies. They came to life and stood to their feet. Not as a nation – but as a GREAT ARMY! If God’s breath revitalised a nation to become a great army after resurrected from spiritual deadness, what can His breath do for your situation? Or better yet, for our nation? It is my prayer that God’s breath revives every nation to become a great Kingdom army zealously fighting the good fight.

Prayer: Father, often I miss little details in Your Word and the promises, you give me. Thank You for teaching me that Your breath did not revive Your nation, but a great army. I pray that Your breath will sweep across the nations of this world and a great army will rise for Your Kingdom. Allow us, dear Father, to see beyond our situations and to fight with all our might for You. Amen.

Written by Pastor Iriza

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