Day 1 – Names and Attributes of God
“Those who know Your Name trust in You, for You, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for You.” Psalm 9:10
C.H. Spurgeon commented on today’s verse for us to be diligent in studying the Names of God because, “Ignorance is worst when it amounts to ignorance of God, and knowledge is best when it exercises itself upon the Name of God. This most excellent knowledge leads to the most excellent grace of faith. O, to learn more of the attributes and character of God.”
We assign significance to names and titles today, but for the people in Biblical times, they held a deeper value. Names in those days were a method of self-revelations and various names and titles spoke of relationships and connections. The very existence of a thing was tied up within the revelation of its name. We notice this repeatedly as we study the Word and the meaning of names. So why would the Names of God not have specific meaning still relevant to this day?
Consider the following while taking on this study and why it is important to know and understand the Names and attributes of God. Firstly, God has commanded us to honor His Name and because you are in Christ, you bear His name. Your actions and behavior reflect upon Him. Secondly, there is inherent greatness in God’s Name. And lastly, God’s Names are like a fort that protects us. (Proverbs 18:10).
This devotional will look at the Names and Attributes describing God. Use this guide to enrich your time set apart with God by taking one description of Him and meditating on that for one day, along with the accompanying passage. Worship God, focusing on Him and His character to understand the significance, nature, and character of God enhancing the breadth and width of our ability to praise Him and live in His glory.
Prayer: Father, thank You that through Your beautiful Word, we can get to know You through the Names You have revealed about Yourself. Allowing us to glimpse little pieces of Your character to get to know You on a personal, relationship level. You are truly the Mighty One and it is my prayer that each person taking on this study finds a deeper connection with You through Your Word and Spirit. Amen.
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