Day 10 – Self Control

Jesus knew what He was sent to Earth to do, and despite his own fears, He demonstrated self-control in submitting to the Father’s perfect plan. Without the self-control of Jesus, we would face death as the punishment for our sins.

2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” With the Holy Spirit inside of us, we can possess self-control and demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit. As a result, we can live in a way that is honorable to God.

Self-control is an essential fruit that helps us to resist temptation and make choices that align with our beliefs, values, and goals. It involves the ability to regulate our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It means learning to delay gratification and resisting impulses that may be harmful or counterproductive. This can include resisting the temptation to indulge in unhealthy habits, such as overeating or substance abuse, or refraining from engaging in harmful behaviors, such as lashing out in anger or engaging in gossip.

Developing self-control requires a great deal of discipline and practice, but remember that Jesus gave us a perfect example of how to live. While it may seem challenging to demonstrate self-control, the rewards will be great.

Prayer: Father I need every ounce of You to help me to have self-control over the things I battle with. I have failed time and again on this, so today Father I give it to you to help me overcome this, in Jesus Christ’s name! Amen. 

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