Day 12 – All that is Pure and Holy 

As we explore the deeper meaning of Paul’s checklist (Phil 4:8), I have again come to realize how important it is to “study” and not just read the Word. Without study we are not able to fully embrace and apply the deeper meaning practically in daily living.

Today we move onto “continually thinking on all that is Pure and Holy”.

Maybe this may be not hard to understand but let’s look deeper at its meaning.

Our God is the utmost in Holiness and Purity with no darkness in Him. His Holiness is so intense that the 24 Elders get a glimpse of it and fall prostrate around the throne, just to rise and be zapped with the incredible awe of our “Holy, Holy, Holy” God that they cry so day and night.

Every close encounter with God’s holiness described in the Bible is so intense that in the case of Solomon’s temple people could not enter and could not stand because the of the presence and holiness of God; and in the case of Job who was described by God Himself as a righteous man who was blameless, arbored Himself as defiled and filthy after coming in close proximity with God’s holiness in the whirlwind.

Our Saviour is the pure, holy, blameless, and spotless lamb – what a privilege to focus on Him!

Prayer: Abba, may I worship you in Spirit and in Truth… bless me with an experience of Your Glory and impart holiness to me. Always look at me through the blood of the Lamb so I may be blameless in Your sight and have the precious gift of entering into Your courts with praise! In Jesus Name, Amen.

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