Day 8 – Skill development: Speaking skills

Proverbs 18:21 teaches us that our words have the power of life and death – meaning, we must be mindful of how our words will impact others. Before we speak, we should ask ourselves, “Will these words build others up, or tear them down?” We should also avoid engaging in gossip, slander, and negative talk that is harmful to others.

Titus 2 emphasizes the fact that older women should teach younger women. Teaching involves not only your actions but also the way you speak. The Bible addresses the issue of communication many times because we are designed to have a relationship with God and one another. Our choice of words carries the power to bring us together or push us apart.

Not all of us are fluent in speaking “words of life” because we never learned to do so. For example, we often hear and use the saying “I laughed so much I almost died.” We need to be mindful of the words we use. Proverbs offers plenty of good instructions for better communication.

Prayer: Father in heaven, send an angel to guard my mouth and control my tongue. Let the words I speak bring life and not death. Help me, Holy Spirit to have compassion for others and convict me if I say something hurtful to someone else. Guide me to be conscious of what I say about myself and others and by using life-giving words. Remind me daily of my responsibility towards my thoughts and words to others. Amen.