Preparing the soil – Day 9

Seeds of obedience

“When Isaac planted his crops that year, he harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the Lord blessed him.” Genesis 26:12 NLT

I know the soil in our garden, and so each gardener knows his own soil. But to suddenly sow in different patch of soil, brings a lot of uncertainty. You don’t know the condition or nutrition value of the soil and we hesitate. Especially when we are on missionary grounds or even just at work.

Isaac was living as a foreigner in Gerar under the reign of king Abimelech. In this foreign soil he sowed for a harvest. Because of his obedience, God blessed him a hundred fold more from what he sowed. He was blessed for his obedience to God in a foreign country. When God says sow, let the seed fall, because He has prepared the soil. We just need to sow in obedience.

Prayer: Father, may my obedience be a hundred fold harvest for Your kingdom. When I am uncertain about the soil and hesitant to sow, please remind me of Isaac in Gerar. Thank You for the seed of Your word being sowed in foreign countries and for the hundred fold blessings it produces. Amen.

Written by Pastor Iriza for ©
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