Day 12 – Gentle & Humble

Gentle and Humble

Matthew 11:29 “…. For I am gentle and humble in heart…”

I find this verse so comforting.  God has such a special side to Him.  I am so comforted that through Jesus Christ, I have mercy and grace from God.

There is nothing I could do to earn it.  It is a special gift God gave to us through His son Jesus Christ, and all I need to do is receive Jesus in my heart.  Being a sinner, sinning every day, not being perfect, God knows that.  And He still tells me it is okay, I forgive you because I am gentle and humble at heart.  How can we not choose Jesus? How can we ever turn our back on Jesus? Never! Jesus is truly the lover of our souls.

PRAYER: Oh Jesus, I love you so much.  When I am reminded of how much you love me, all I can do is fall in love with you all over again.  How gracious you are towards us?  How gentle you are with us?  You know that we can break so easily, but you work so gently with us.  You are a gentle potter with us because Your heart is so big and so loving towards us.  How could we ever make it up to you Jesus? Nothing will compare to Your love, but every day I will try my best to be gentle and humble in my heart like you.  The world would be a better place if we all tried it.  I love you, Jesus, Amen.

Written for by Sandra

What can we pray for?