Day 7 – A light to the world

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14

Dumbstruck I stared at the teacher who was telling me my child was friends with the wrong crowd. “Who’s the crowd?” I asked. As she named them, my heart started to sing with the mention of each name.

Two weeks before we had a chat about some children she would like to be friends with to try and help them and guide them to Jesus. The “wrong crowd” named by the teacher was exactly this little group she wanted to reach. I reassured the teacher that I will keep an eye on her and the developing friendships and told her why she was becoming friends with them.

Jesus hanged with the “wrong crowd” because He loved them too much to let them be damned. I am not saying to allow your child to mingle with groups you are not comfortable with. It is your responsibility to act with discernment. But when they feel they need to be the light of Jesus to others, guide them to do so to the best of their ability. We were called to be the light and salt to the world. The Bible does not have an age restriction – the Word applies to all who believe in Jesus and accepted Him as their Saviour. We need more children who love people like Jesus and trying their utmost best to help their friends to become saved.

My prayer is that our children will be bright lights like a city on a hill shining the Love of Jesus to their friends. Especially those whom the world labeled “the wrong crowd”.

Prayer: Father, please guide and encourage the saved children of this world to shine the love of Jesus to their friends. Give them the wisdom to engage with the “wrong crowds” just like Jesus did and show them Your love shining bright for them in this dark world. May our children always follow Your light and point others towards it too. Amen.

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