Day 7 – Jesus lives!

“He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” Matthew 28:6 NKJV

Early in the morning, Mary went to the tomb, but the stone had been rolled away and Jesus was not there. The handkerchief that was on Jesus’ head was folded together in a place by itself. 

Why are you weeping Mary? And Mary turned around and there was Jesus! His purpose here on earth is fulfilled and complete. Every word Jesus had spoken about His resurrection was complete. He lives! 

We don’t need to weep, we don’t need to go look for a tomb. Because it’s empty. Death’s purpose was null and void. We have life and life in abundance that was given to us through Jesus Christ. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, lives in us. 

We have triumph! Our dry bones shall live. We shall have a breakthrough, we shall have victory, and we shall have life in abundance in every area of our lives. 

Celebrate Jesus, because He lives. 

Thank you Father that your son Jesus Christ lives. Thank you that He is risen. Thank you for the victory you have given us. We praise your Holy Name, in Jesus’ Name Amen. 

Written by Pastor Sandra Santos for

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