Day 14 – All that is Merciful and Kind 

Keeping our thoughts continually fixed on all that is merciful and kind completes the focus list from Philippians 4:8.

There is no greater mercy than what God has shown us in Jesus and the work of the cross. Undeserving sinners had never known such love or kindness… oh child of God, rejoice in this and think on it every moment! What a gift our precious salvation and what a glorious hope of spending eternity with Jesus!

Mercy and kindness also brings the story of the good Samaritan to mind. As Kingdom citizens these qualities should overflow in us! The story highlights a stranger, incredible compassion, mercy that went the extra mile and kindness that expected nothing in return.

When last have we prayed for a family member to come to Christ? When last have we made a conscious effort to evangelize a lost world to share the mercy and kindness of our savior and snatch them out the fire? When last have we given to someone who has no ability to repay?

How evident are these fruits in us, or are we simply on the way to heaven happy for our salvation and in effect taking the mercy and kindness shown to us for granted by not reflecting it to those around us?

It is a challenging thought and may we indeed be challenged today to do things different or better… we read in 1 Pet 4:8 that “fervent charity covers a multitude of sins”.

Charity is not just money – charity is kindness, selflessness, self-sacrifice, and generosity.

May kindness and mercy be as a beautiful garland around your neck and form part of your treasures in heaven, adorned on your crown of righteousness.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I love You. No words can express the treasure and greatness of Your mercy and kindness to us! Let me dwell on the beauty of Your love and the joy of my salvation day and night. So too Lord, make me sensitive to the needs around me so I will be a vessel of mercy and kindness as I walk in ambassadorship to the Kingdom in this world. Amen.

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