Day 4 – The Truth that sets us Free

Before we move on to the other items on Paul’s checklist from Philippians 4:8, the exploration of all that is “Authentic, Real and True” deserves another day.

Not everything that is “true” is the truth. 

Considering Jesus’ warning about false prophets and the many warnings about deceiving doctrines in the New Testament, thinking on truth would include us Biblically verifying claims and teachings so that we will remain fixed on the truth which is only Jesus and Him crucified.

Thinking on what is true necessitates thinking beyond ourselves to develop a new understanding of life from God’s perspective.

Not all truth set you free.

THE truth sets you free. “Our truth” or “what we choose to be true” does not set us free.

THE truth that walked the earth 2000 years ago, died on the cross and actually carried the weight of our sin sets us free. Jesus alone sets us free completely!

In John 8 Jesus tells us that if we abide in His word, we are truly His disciples. “You will know the truth and thee truth will set you free.” John 8:32

Prayer: Lord, You are the truth, the way and the life! I believe with all my heart that when You, the Son of God sets free, we are free indeed! Thank You for setting me free! Lead me in all truth so I will not be led astray. Guide me to truly abide in Your word as I continually renew my mind. It is my desire to keep my heart meditating on Your eternal truth, power, glory and majesty. I love you. Amen 

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